Tropical Garden is a beautiful book illustrated by Afroditi Constantinou, capturing delightful nature in a beautiful artwork book. The Story tells how Afroditi approaches to nature.

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Nature is a beautiful theme to capture yourself in it. Afroditi had some illustrations regarding nature, and she decided to showcase them onto book covers.

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Creating Illustrations

You can have a look in the process of creating illustrationsthe layout and then combining typography and image to work.

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Cover book detail
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The Lotus Book

As a designer you want the covers to be clever and colorful, placing a related imagery associated with nature but now being obvious at all and let the observer image what shapes suggest. You quickly identified two important aspects of the books that are really interesting visually: illustrations constantly transports you to a fresh state by making the color schemes shine with their clever combinations.

Obvious is a subjective perspective about visual arts. Who doesn’t enjoy a good color scheme? Or wants to enjoy seeking within shapes and art at the same time? Based in Cyprus, Afroditi is a young but highly talented designer ready for creating new and fresh designs for agencies and project all over the world.

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Elegant Nature

A simple grid and golden foil to give them delightful feeling on the front, the first intention of a book to capture you.

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The harder the project, the greater the happiness when solutions arrive.

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